While this may sound trite, the fact is we are all on a journey. For some, the journey is based on values. For others the journey is guided by goals or even perceived destinations. Others still may find their journey is about preparing for life or existence on ‘the other side.’ For many of us, the journey is a combination thereof. It has been said life is all about the journey rather than the destination and that which is always constant about the journey is the traveler. When we feel lost, it seems it is because we have forgotten to focus on the traveler. We look at the paths we have taken and the paths with which we have yet to choose and we try to understand our destination. For me, that destination did not come into focus until I travelled back to me.
AJourney2Me is about sharing the ideas and information that have made the most sense to me and helped guide my current life journey back to me. It is a journey I started years ago and one on which I travel still. I decided to share what I have learned or discovered which helped me discover my way back to me. Some of this information may be relatable because of similar experiences or some other reason. Whatever that reason might be, I hope you find something to help you or maybe even help somebody you know.
I have experienced depression and hopelessness…to the point where I felt consumed with thoughts and feelings of it never ending and wondering what could possibly be on the other side of this horrible feeling. It truly is a terrifying and lonely experience. You believe nobody can understand and those closest to you are simply waiting for you to “snap out if it.” You don’t snap out of it. You climb out of it. You climb out of it using steps of wisdom that make their way into your consciousness…I really hope AJourney2Me can provide some of these steps for you.
I have watched a loved one go through depression as well. While feeling helpless and wishing I could take their pain away, I felt honored and grateful that my loved one felt they could trust me with how they felt and even more honored they sought my guidance and support. It was during these conversations I realized I had absorbed and retained much wisdom from all of my teachers. I really began to feel like I had retained enough wisdom that maybe I had something to offer.
I am NOT guaranteeing anything as a result of reading anything posted on this site. This website is no substitution for professional assistance, so, please reach out for help. If nothing else, perhaps what you read will encourage you to reach out.